Архив статей
Экзамен 7 класс. Ireland
03.05.2019 12:16
I’d like to tell you about Ireland. Ireland is an island on the west side of Europe. The capital of Ireland is Dublin. There are about 5 million people in the Republic of Ireland. It is a small country but a lot of people know about it. People left Ireland to find work in those countries and they...
Экзамен 7 класс. New Zealand
13.04.2019 12:15
I’d like to tell you about New Zealand. New Zealand is a country in the south-western Pacific Ocean. It is separated from Australia by the Tasman Sea. It consists of two main islands: the South Island, the North Island, and a number of smaller islands. New Zealand has many springs and geysers. New...
Экзамен 7 класс. Australia
03.04.2019 12:13
I’d like to tell you about Australia. Australia is one of the continents and the world’s largest inhabited island. Canberra is the capital of the country. The population of the country is about 20 m people. English is an official language. Australia’s native people, the Aborigines, have lived...
Экзамен 7 класс Уэльс
30.03.2019 10:12
I’d like to tell you about Wales. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. It consists of four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Wales is primarily an agricultural country. There aren’t many big cities in Wales. The capital of...
Экзамен 7 класс. Англия
03.02.2019 15:11
I’d like to tell you about England. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. It consists of four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. England is a political and economical center of Great Britain. The official language of the...
Экзамен 7 класс. Великобритания
27.01.2019 19:42
Give a talk about Great Britain
Remember to say:
general information
Saints and emblems, Union Jack
British food
I’d like to tell you about Great Britain. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. It consists of four parts: England, Wales,...
My best lessons and presentations
18.12.2018 20:34
14.12.18 Презентация к внеурочному занятию Герои английских сказок.ppt
02.12.18 Презентация к внеурочному занятию Christmas.pptx
16.11.18 Конспект Внеурочного занятия Santa Claus.doc
25.10.18 Презентация к уроку Профессии.ppt
07.09.18 Презентация к уроку East or...
Материалы к экзамену 7 класс
18.12.2018 16:49
По завершению 7-го класса ученики будут сдавать экзамен по английскому языку в устной форме. Предлагаем ознакомиться с примерными темами экзамена все темы Экзамен.doc
08.12.2018 19:22
Презентация к конкурсу Полиглотик.pptx
Презентация к интеллектуальной игре Пойми меня 5-6 классы.pptx
Груздова И.И., Лобачева О.А., научные руководители Пепеляев Антон. 9А Особенности смс-сокращений в английском языке.doc
Пепеляев Антон, 9А, Особенности...
Extra material
04.12.2018 16:57
04.12.18 Праздники в Англии.ppt
24.11.18 Разделительные вопросы.pptx
15.11.18 кроссворд профессии.docx
10.11.18 conditional table.doc
24.05.18 тестовые задания 10-11 класс.docx
Записи: 1 - 10 из 16